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Olive Branch Equestrian packages

Practice makes progress! We've created tailored packages to give you the best foundation for your horses ridden skills and/or groundwork journey.

Groundwork and foundation training

Groundwork simply means how you interact with your horse or pony when you are on the ground (and not in the saddle riding!). These interactions form an essential part of natural horsemanship, for ponies young and old, experienced or beginner. Olive will introduce your pony to a variety of groundwork exercises that enhance communication, responsiveness, and respect from the ground. By mastering these fundamental skills, your pony will have a solid foundation for anything you want to do in the future, and it makes them super safe.

Groundwork session

1 x 1 hour long session $40

Groundwork package

$140 for 4 x 1 hour long sessions

Pony schooling

Olive’s passion is to train young ponies with patience, building on a strong foundation of trust. Drawing upon natural horsemanship techniques, she will help your pony cultivate softness and responsiveness and achieve a deeper connection with their rider. After 1 week you'll be able to see what they've been working on and try it all yourself! Olive will start with the groundwork and work her way up to ridden part. 

1 lesson

1 x 1 week long session $110

Pony schooling package

$400 for 4 weeks training